EPISODE 4: THE BIGGEST MYTH OF ALL: "The New Normal?" - Where We Were, Where We Are,
What's Next?
Where do we 'grow' from here? Jenny and Toni discuss how their sales game is constantly changing and how real estate in Vancouver has never experienced anything normal in comparison to the rest of the world. No one would have predicted an outbreak of a pandemic disease could cause a disruption in the Vancouver market. These unprecedented conditions called for unprecedented intervention which was much different than what they have experienced & observed in the 2008 recession, the impact of the 9/11 tragedy, and the 2018 economic correction. Forget macro-stats - normal is trivial!
Jenny and Toni explains how the Vancouver real estate market gained even more attention for being a responsible and healthy city to live in relative to the rest of the world. And why Vancouver is well positioned to a healthy recovery with very little desperation selling and no price erosion. They also share what you need to include in your presentations to sustain a healthy long-term business otherwise you will be left behind. Learn what tools your business needs today to forge through this suppression for long-term success.
You won't want to miss this In The House episode!