Episode 57: 5 FOOLPROOF WAYS On Converting Likes, Follows, and Comments Into Customers
You start your new social media account and it's a race to accumulate the most followers and views. Then you realize the "Like" isn't turning into enough of a commitment from your customer. What you really want is to leverage those connections by converting those Comments into paying customers. Rather than casting a wide net, a targeted approach with a more specific message can increase the impact of your social networking. Jenny and Toni share these 5 simple rules they incorporate into their business: apply a customer-centric approach, applying at least one of the three E's in your online marketing content, stay connected, follow through and fish, and finally streamline your system by incorporating a seamless call to action experience.
No matter if you have 500 followers or 50,000 followers, take these steps today to capitalize on your follower base. Maintaining these 5 simple steps into your daily social activity, you will quickly unlock quality leads and nurture them for maximum conversion.