Episode 100: CELEBRATING OUR 100th EPISODE! The 3 Success Traits To Becoming A 6 & 7-Figure Agent
After recording 100 episodes on this podcast, Jenny and Toni discover 3 success traits they both have in common. They believe these traits have led them to becoming a consistent 7-figure agent in this business. While there is no magic wand you can wave to become a successor overnight, you really don't know what works and what doesn't until you put your to-dos into practice. Success is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, and learning to do. Doing the work is the only way to learn; so stop being a perfectionist or second guessing your abilities.
Secondly, they hold responsibility for every result regardless if it's a win, if mistakes happen along the way, or if it's a downward market. They are not waiting for a breakthrough; rather Toni and Jenny energetically hold responsibility, step up, and take action. Finally, they show up consistently with high integrity as market leaders. Their level of commitment to delivering quality work and with intention is consistent throughout their brands. So incorporate the Triple Rs in your life! Repetition x Refinement = Revenue and you'll change your life and your client's life one at a time!
"To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge" - Confucius